Beginning with Monotypes

17 09 2011

I start my school year with Printmaking and monotypes.  I began this year revisiting the artist Cy Twombly and direct application of  in monoprint ink on to damp paper over the plate.  I instructed students to take a pencil and draw lines and make marks similar to the Cy Twombly example paintings.  Then we placed a dampened paper over the plate and lifted the remaining ink to create a ghost monoprint.  This gives students an immediate experience with the press and the process.  We discuss the difference in appearance of each print so students can identify the difference.

Starting a new school year

17 09 2011

Whew!  Busy school year and I have several courses hard at work on their lessons.  My favorite classes are foundations, printmaking, and sculpture.  In foundations we are wrapping up a observational drawing of wooden manikins.

Sculpture class is finishing up the wire armature mobiles and beginning a Louise Nevelson wall sculptures.

Printmaking is hard at work learning all the different types of monotypes.