Summer PD

11 07 2016
Pink feather and wave copy

Feather and Waves- Joy Schultz 2016

The summer started with hours and hours of painting and creating my own art.  I then transitioned into Professional Development mode.  I attended my first ISTE conference and had my head swimming with new concepts, resources, and contacts.  It was a great conference and I want to go next year.

I was home less than twelve hours and I had to record my online conference presentation for EdCloset- STEAM Arts Integration.  Online Conference STEAM I will be sharing my journey as a blended full choice studio educator.  One of the things I did learn while I was at ISTE is that I am not alone in my way of thinking and so I was able to get my nerd on and discuss my program with others who get the twists and turns of creating a blended program.

I went into school this week to set up my Ipevo whiteboard projector and shared it with my tech team. (won it at ISTE) It has loads of options for all class room teachers for an affordable price with portability.  I will be able to take my show on the road and I love that.  The convention in Denver didn’t end at the convention center, I met several excited educators and tech peeps on the plane and everyone was so willing to share new ideas and technology.  It sounds super geeky but I found it inspirational.  So much so that I will be implementing several of the new ideas with my students this year.

I have a summer art day planned with students to come in and help me set up a few plans.  One will be used to inspire fellow teachers how to add some STEAM to their classes.  I really love having my students help design and brainstorm with me.  I get some of the most inspired ideas from them.  Creating a culture to share and problem solve programming with the students helps with ownership and levels of success.

Three feathers

Feathers- Joy Schultz 2016

I will be working on my LMS creating new forms, QR codes, and adding to my already robust resources.  I will keep on creating art and once the heat wave passes, back in my garden.

I hope many of you are finding time to be artists and that you find inspirational Professional Development to get you ready for the new school year.