Art shows and Awards

5 05 2015

Figure Ground Alicia 17

Our school year is winding down and I am so busy pushing out the news, collecting artwork, and gearing up for wrapping up for AP and my seniors.  We have so many art receptions in a row it gets really busy.  It is the time of the year to reap the benefits from all of the hard work.

I always present a Power Point with music to show the whole school the wonderful work from the Spring Semester.  It is also the time I share all the honors and awards with everyone.  This is one practice that takes a lot of time to prepare but my students enjoy it so much.  I also take time to write down all the accomplishments and awards that was achieved during the school year.  I recommend you do this every year and either share it with your administration or at the very least put in a file to recall what happened over the past years.



Today was one of the last days we had with our Seniors in my Media Arts class so we celebrated by creating a fun photo shoot that included exploring Ben Heine’s Pencil VS Camera mixed in with a bright colorful parachute.  I find the activity of working together to make the parachute elevate above our heads and then sit under the colorful dome is a lot of fun, lots of giggling and amazing photos.

Our year was very successful at art show competitions and with our community service.

I am very proud of my students.  I am always impressed with what they can accomplish in a very short amount of time.

I have big plans for next year that will make all of my courses reflect more of a real life studio and closer to a full Teaching Artistic Behaviors Studio.  I have my 3-D printer coming and now if I can locate a program to help me implement the gamification workflow choice based project/job idea, I will be set.  I have a lot of research to complete and a studio to rearrange after my students leave for the summer.  I will be a busy art teacher.  I will let you know how my journey unfolds.

Ivy gysers



2 responses

5 05 2015

I’d love to see the powerpoint that you put together – do you think you could share? It’s a great idea to show it to the entire school!

7 05 2015
Joy Schultz

The file is huge. I am not sure how I could share it anywhere easily. It has music timing to it and over 170 slides. The students love the presentations.

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